Warning! Exploring this aspect of the Promare Wiki contains heavy spoilers. |
“ | So are you amazed yet? You know, I didn't get naked just for fun! | ” |
—Galo, Foresight Pharmaceutical |
Galo Thymos (ガロ・ティモス) is the main character of Promare.
Burning Rescue's newest recruit. Set with a burning passion to extinguish all that is wrong, you can expect Galo to rush in first to the scene of an emergency. His 'Burning Soul' is his strongest characteristic.
Portrayal: Kenichi Matsuyama
Galo isn't one for planning ahead and often speaks his mind. He is willful and often relies on that to get through battles. While Galo appears to be all brawn and no brain at first, he is actually deeply compassionate and hates to see others hurt. Furthermore, his plans, while odd, have been shown to work. Said plans consistently use the likes of hikeshi and Matoi as a basis such as his first rescue. He has a heavy interest in Edo period firemen. This has resulted in him giving PowerPoints on the subject and incorporating them into his personal mech.
His determination to extinguish all that is wrong leads him into wanting to understand the Burnish more and what they are fighting for. He won't target a group of people without knowing why. He wants to protect all who are innocent. This can make him a little too faithful and easy to be deceived. Galo tends to not follow orders that prevent immediate action, nor does he do well when dealing with his superiors. His impatience and impulsive nature can get the best of him. Despite this, he has enough restraint to leave when his emotions overwhelm him too much.
Galo is a well-built man with a long, blue mohawk that is shaved on the sides. His waist is fairly thin compared to his chest. His eyebrows are also blue. Galo's eyes are teal with red segments with his complexion is tan. He is shown to be taller than most characters, but is still shorter than both Varys and Kray.
Galo's uniform is that of red pants displaying a yellow #3, black gloves with yellow lines, and black boots also with yellow segments. With said pants, his hips have black straps around them. He is often seen wearing a Burning Rescue uniform without a shirt, and a white, medical compression sleeve on his left arm. Said arm has several burn scars underneath. When he does wear a shirt, it is that of a black short sleeve. This appears to be another part of his uniform. A different outfit is briefly seen during his own ceremony, featuring blue fabric, thin pants, and a FDPP short sleeve.
When adorned in his Matoi Tech, Galo's rescue gear bares a metal shell of a mainly white and red palette. With a green-tinted visor and Burning Rescue logo, Galo's arms and legs are inside, leaving his chest bare. The back is covered by the machine's seat however. On the mecha's left shoulder pad is the number '3.' Matoi Tech also features gray hands mainly used for its partnering staff.
In the prologue Galo-hen, he was previously shown wearing a red firefighter jacket akin to Remi's, but this was soon abandoned. According to flashbacks, child Galo still sported spiky hair and also wore a short sleeve shirt.
Before Promare[]

A scared Galo hugging Kray.
In his childhood, Galo's home was set ablaze. In fear, Galo rushed outside into a college student's grasp. Said student was Kray Foresight. From this incident, Kray was considered a hero by Galo. Galo would later grow an interest in firefighting and making him proud.
Before joining Burning Rescue, Galo was able to pass his aptitude tests. His training hours, on the other hand, were not even the minimum. This results in Ignis and Remi hesitating on hiring him before Kray intervenes.
Galo is first introduced in one of two prequels that discusses the events before Promare. Here, it is revealed that Galo is the newest member of Burning Rescue thanks to Kray's efforts. When introducing himself to his colleagues, he is shown wearing a red jacket, info-dumping about ancient firefighters and showing off his homemade Matoi. His co-workers do not take the same interest.
When the station's emergency sirens go off, everyone begins to set off. Galo is almost left behind, but thanks to him arguing that this could work as job experience, Ignis has Lucia take care of Galo in the truck. This results in Galo getting impatient. Eventually, Lucia discovers that one of the facilities still has a woman trapped inside. This results in Galo taking initiative, covering himself and his Matoi with an extinguishing gel, and running off to go save her.
When Galo finally finds Thyma, he proceeds to carry her outside in his coat as Burnish flames flow behind them. Aina catches them. Lucia's calculations state that Galo's plan had the highest rate of both Thyma and Galo surviving, making Galo out to be commendable to his peers. However, when Thyma wakes up, she suddenly becomes a Burnish, resulting in Galo receiving several burn scars to his left arm. She is then taken away by Gueira and Meis before Burning Rescue can do anything. Here, Galo learns of Mad Burnish by Aina. He then declares he'll be the one to put them out.

Galo and Lio fight
In the present, Burning Rescue is sent out to deal with a recent Mad Burnish attack. Galo is the last to appear. He proceeds to help Aina with rescuing survivors on the roof. As they work, the Mad Burnish reveal themselves: Gueira, Meis, and Lio. Gueira and Meis are the first to go after Galo. Galo at first struggles, but after changing into his Matoi Tech, he defeats the duo. This results in another fight breaking out with Galo and Lio. During their fight, Lio's mask breaks off, resulting in Galo's surprise. Lio almost immediately corners him. With the help of his fellow Burning Rescue members though, Lio is taken care of.
With the leader of Mad Burnish captured, Freeze Force enters the scene to arrest him. Galo claims that Burning Rescue should be credited for the capture of Lio Fotia, but this results in Vulcan threatening to take Galo as well. Ignis is forced to step in to prevent anything further from occurring. With the flames dealt with, Burning Rescue and Freeze Force leaves.
Later, Galo is shown attending a local ceremony for himself. Here, Kray is awarding Galo for his deeds with a badge of honor. He then goes to a local pizzeria with his colleagues. As they talk, Galo's badge is brought up into the conversation. Here, Galo reveals that he idolizes Kray. This is due to Kray saving Galo when he was a child. He comments that Kray lost his arm as a college student from the house fire. Then, Lucia notes Heris on a nearby tv, changing the subject. However, the conversation abruptly ends when Freeze Force makes another appearance.

Galo and Aina at the pizzeria.
Here, Freeze Force captures one of the pizzeria's employees due to him being a Burnish and his boss. Both Galo and Aina attempt to stop Vulcan, but their words mean nothing. After the incident, passersbys find disgust with the presence of a Burnish, resulting in Galo riding away on his motorcycle in anger. Aina goes after him.
She eventually tracks him down to a local frozen lake, where he reveals that this is where he goes to cool off. The duo then skate together. They discuss how they are seen as projections of those they respect: Kray in Galo's case and Heris in Aina's. Suddenly, Aina nearly falls, but is caught by Galo. She is then promptly dropped when he notices a Burnish flare. Galo tells Aina to report said flare in as he goes after it.
Galo eventually finds a local cave in the area. As two Burnish children head back inside, Galo enters. Lurking, he discovers the presence of several escaped Burnish huddling around a campfire. Of these Burnish, a young boy notices the fireman. Galo can only stare back before Lio knocks him out. A brief time later, Galo finds his wrists tied up. Yanking at the ropes, Galo is then made aware of Lio's presence and realizes he escaped from custody.
Lio briefly talks to Galo, with the latter questioning their need for food and to set things ablaze. Insulted by Galo's claims, Lio retorts and states that Burnish are humans too. Only releasing the crying flames can free the Burnish. Their attention is then brought to a dying woman. Galo asks to help save a dying Thyma, but Lio refuses it and attempts a Burnish form of CPR. After Lio's attempt is shown to be unsuccessful, Lio reveals that her death was caused by the Burnish experiments at the Foresight Foundation, Kray's company. Lio leaves right before Aina finds Galo.
Having been freed, Galo meets with Kray to return his badge and discuss the Burnish experiments. Seeing that Galo is insistent on an answer, he reveals that the Earth will soon be over flooded by magma and that the only way to save anyone is to transport the people of Promepolis with the Parnassus to a similar planet via migration. Kray brings Galo to Dr. Heris' lab, where they are currently testing warp drives. Galo discovers that the Burnish used is the pizzeria employee he saw before.

Kray despises Galo
After the torturous experiment, Galo makes up his mind and says that they could easily just remove the magma from within rather than only saving a few people on Earth. Kray, however, retaliates to the idea, admitting his hatred of Galo, and throw him into a cell to be executed.
A week later, Galo is given his final meal by Heris. Heris unlocks his cuffs, believing that he wouldn't physically attack her. As she is about to leave, Galo questions her about Aina's thoughts on the migration plan. He accuses her of lying to her sister, resulting in Heris becoming defensive. When Aina asks about Galo, Heris claims that she saw Galo attack Kray with her own eyes.
During Lio's rampage in the city, he accidentally frees Galo from his cell. This results in Galo managing to escape, where he then decides to meet up with Burning Rescue to stop Lio. With the usage of Matoi Tech and Aina's airship, Galo ends up forcing Lio and himself into a container in an attempt to calm Lio down. Another fight breaks out. What does end up stopping him is Aina opening the container, where the duo proceed to land at the frozen lake. Lio's flames extinguish the ice and reveal a hidden lab beneath.
Deus' computer AI then presents himself to the trio. The trio head inside.
Inside, Deus reveals to them his late findings. From a fusion between two different dimensions, an energized alien species he named 'Promare' is stuck within the Earth's core. They appear in the shape of flames to select humans, hence the existence of Burnish and their fire. The transportation plan was also one that Deus researched, but he concluded that this would only speed up Earth's destruction. This eventually resulted in Deus' murder by the hands of Kray and stolen research. Deus' AI reveals this to the trio via camera footage.
Deus then commands Galo and Lio to control Deus X Machina to stop Kray and save the world. The duo oblige.
Galo and Lio arrive at the Foresight Foundation, where the transportation plan is already underway. Despite this, Galo finds Deus X Machina to be 'uncool' and can't focus, resulting in the creation of Lio de Galon. They then start off by attacking the command tower. Realizing this isn't getting anywhere, they then try to dig into the ship towards the machine's core. Kray eventually takes things into his own hands and comes out with his own mech. From this, a fight breaks out in the city.

City mecha chaos.
Kray at first is shown having the upper hand, but with Lio forming a Matoi for Galo to use, Heris overloading the engine, and Deus X Machina's canons, the fight ends at a standstill, with both mechs frozen in place. After thawing off Galo, Lio attempts to burn Kray to death for his crimes against humanity. Kray is left unaffected.
Kray captures Lio and reveals himself to be Burnish as well, with his prosthetic actually being made from his flames. He admits to Galo that he did not enter his house to save him, rather he was the one who accidentally burned it to the ground. Galo just incidentally ran into him after. He was made to look like a hero. However, he found Galo's presence to later be an annoyance at best and interfering with his plans, causing him to assign him to Burning Rescue for its high casualty rates. As Kray finishes up his explanation, he launches Galo in the air in an attempt to kill him and takes Lio away as a replacement fuel source.
Burning Rescue soon finds him lit ablaze, unconscious. As Galo gets up, he finds that he was protected by Lio's flames. Seeing this act of kindness, he asks for the help of Burning Rescue and Heris to launch him underground to rescue Lio. Lucia and Heris cooperate and create a drill that digs Galo deep within the Earth where Lio and Kray are. At the machine's engine, Galo releases Lio. For this, Kray attempts to kill Galo once more. However, Galo is still protected by Lio's flames. He eventually brings himself to Kray to give him a punch to the face and proclaim that he will save everyone.

Galo saves Lio.
Galo then brings himself to where Lio is. He recalls what Lio attempted with Thyma earlier and, after swallowing Lio's flames, he gives Lio CPR, resulting in Lio healing from his wounds. With Lio safe, the duo work together once more to save the world. Lio commands his fellow Burnish to assist them. As all of the non-Burnish are protected from the flames, the much larger Galo de Lion is formed to help remove the Promare stuck on Earth. The world is then saved.
After Galo and Lio land back on Earth, Galo comments on the need for more helping hands to restore Promepolis. He asks for Lio's cooperation. They then fist bump, signifying their newfound partnership.
For Galo and Lio's Relationship, go here.

Galo and Lio after their fight.
Lio Fotia was first seen by Galo as a terrorist with no other agenda than to set cities on fire. However, when they met each other once more, Galo realizes the error of his ways. He attempts to make up for it, offering to help save Thyma, but Lio refuses, still on edge and likely knowing that normal CPR wouldn't work.
Later, while attempting revenge against Kray Foresight, Lio accidentally frees Galo from his cell, resulting in Galo looking into the night sky where Lio is. Galo recognizes Lio to be crying. He finds himself relating to Lio due to Kray locking him up a week before. Even with this, he refuses to let Lio destroy the city and go against his own moral code, resulting in Galo setting off to go stop him.
Afterwards, both them and Aina come across Deus' lab, where the truth of the Burnish and Kray's plans are revealed. From this, Deus' computer AI insists that Galo and Lio work together to control Deus X Machina. They promptly do so. During this period, neither of them struggle with controlling the mecha, with the only issues being that Galo finds the machine to be "uncool." This results in Lio complying with his wishes and reforming the mech into both Lio de Galon and Galo de Lion.
When Lio attempts to kill Kray for all of his crimes against humanity, Lio is instead captured by Kray. However, Lio puts Galo's safety first and uses the remains of his flame to protect Galo. Galo is touched by this, resulting in him going after Kray once more.
Galo eventually catches up with the duo, where he ends up defeating Kray for Lio. Galo then decides to repeat Lio's method of CPR by swallowing Lio's flames and performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. He successfully revives Lio. When Lio asks him about it, he is left flustered, realizing that he lit a flame to save Lio, causing him to demand Lio to take responsibility for what he's done. This frames their relationship in a romantic context.
The duo then save the world with the help of the Burnish. In the aftermath, the duo are shown fist bumping. According to earlier versions of Promare's website, the song "Kori Ni Tojikomete" is about Galo and Lio. This addition was changed in later versions, replaced by a quote by the band's singer who discusses the song's themes of unrequited love and trapped feelings[2].

Galo in the aftermath of being punched.
Kray was at first Galo's idol. Believing him to have saved him as a child, he saw him as a hero. He took pride in both the opportunity to work at Burning Rescue and the badge that Kray gave him. He would then begin to slowly doubt this belief when Lio reveals Foresight Foundation's involvement with experimenting on the Burnish.
Galo later questions him on the issue, which results in Kray admitting to his plans. He at first attempts to convince Galo that this is how things should be, but Galo disagrees, resulting in Kray revealing his true feelings in the form of a punch to the stomach. Kray admits that he sees Galo as nothing more than a nuisance and a waste. He then promptly locks Galo up to soon be executed. In the English dub version, he goes as far to call Galo a "cancer" after their fight in the Parnassus.
When Kray reveals himself to actually be Burnish, he admits that he was the one who set Galo's home ablaze and that he only used the incident to make himself out to be a hero. When Galo continued to exist in his life after that, he decides to have Galo become a firefighter so he could eventually die. Kray is shown to be visually upset about Galo surviving a rescue mission in flashbacks.
After Kray attempts to kill Galo twice, both on the Parnassus and in the Promatech engine, Galo is protected by Lio's flames, resulting in him saying that he will save everyone, including Kray. He proceeds to punches Kray. When Kray is dealt with, Galo rescues Lio and leaves with him to save the world Kray almost helped destroy.

Aina talking to Galo.
Aina is one of Galo's co-workers at Burning Rescue. Compared to other members, Aina appears to be one of his more acquainted peers, where she is the one to go after him and saves Galo in a few instances. Heris comments that Aina talks about Galo a lot to her. Despite this, Aina has a tendency to be critical of Galo, going as far as to believe he was going after Freeze Force by himself. Furthermore, during their conversation at the ice lake, he accidentally drops her on the ice after noticing a nearby flame.
When Galo is locked up by Foresight, she immediately retorts to the idea that Galo would hurt Kray. This results in her briefly arguing with her sister. Aina also accidentally assists in the finding of Deus' lab, in which her, Galo, and Lio proceed to explore together. With the new information revealed to her, she helps assist Galo and Lio by revealing Deus' murder to Heris and helps stop the transportation plan.
In Galo-hen, Galo is left with Lucia who becomes frustrated by his impatience. She later guides him to where a trapped Thyma is and, like the rest of her co-workers, begins to trust him. Sometime before the movie's events, Lucia agreed to invent an exclusive mecha for Galo based around Matoi. The duo were the only two aware of the subject until it's reveal. They also presented a PowerPoint likely made by Galo during said reveal. Nonetheless, they have a genuine friendship for the most part.
Varys, like both Aina and Ignis, has a tendency to sometimes call Galo out for slacking off or his impulses. However, the duo share a few interests such as pizza and are willing to hang out after work. Besides Lucia, Galo may be one of the closest members to Varys. Both him and Lucia put out Galo when his pants are accidentally set ablaze by Lio. Varys also commented on Galo's disappearance, noting him to have disappeared for an entire week.
Burning Rescue[]
At first, most members of Burning Rescue found Galo to be unqualified. However, after his successful rescue of Thyma, they grew to see him as a valuable member of the team. They occasionally are shown hanging out with him outside of work. They also frequently assist him during rescues such as defeating Lio at the pharmaceutical.

During Galo's first day on the job, Thyma was trapped inside a burning building. With the others distracted by Mad Burnish, Galo goes out to rescue her. She then has Galo's coat placed on her and is carried out. Regaining consciousness, Thyma immediately turns into a Burnish. Galo is then set aflame. Aina immediately pulls him away, leaving him with several burn scars. He briefly wonders if she was the cause of the building fire before Aina corrects him. Despite his injuries, he doesn't appear to have any negative feelings towards her. They meet once more when Galo finds a Burnish hideout. It is unknown whether or not Galo recognizes her. Here, Galo offers to help save Thyma as he is equipped for CPR. Lio declines the offer and attempts it himself. Despite his efforts, Thyma turns to ashes, leaving the both of them feeling remorseful.
When Galo and Kray come across Heris in her lab, Galo instantly recognizes her as "Aina's sister." Both are surprised by the other's presence. According to Heris herself, Aina has a tendency to talk about him to her, giving Heris a positive impression of the young rookie. She even shows sympathy when he is punched by Kray and dragged away by guards. However, when Galo calls her out for hiding things from Aina, she immediately retorts and later lies about Galo's "terrorism." Near the end of the film, she assists Lucia with creating a drill for Galo to go save Lio.
- "I'll extinguish you with my burning soul!"
- (to Mad Burnish) "Your reign of fiery terror ends today, YOU PYROMANIAC BASTARDS!"
- (to Lio) "Coward, you attacked me in the middle of my pose!"
- "Today you met Galo Thymos, the unbelievable blazing firefighter with a burning soul! So Mad Burnish boss, burn my name into your mind."
- (to Kray) "You can count on me Governor. I'll keep on protecting Promepolis just like you once protected me"
- (to Aina) "The last thing I wanna do is give Gov Kray any trouble."
- "Kray why? Kray, you were my hero, why?"
- (to Heris) (about Aina) "You know it's [Burnish plans] wrong, that's why you haven't told her."
- "Lio? That Lio? Those flames... Is he crying?"
- "Putting out that fire's our first priority, same as always!"
- (to Lio) "I understand your anger! I was betrayed by Kray too!"
- "What is this old guy [Deus] even talking about?"
- (to Lio) "So, are you feeling conflicted? Yeah, you probably are. You just found out your flames are aliens."
- "Even if the ideals you look up to come crashing to the ground, your hope will never be broken!"
- (to Kray) "So, you're saying that you didn't save me?"
- (to Lio) "You can't tell a firefighter to do that, you idiot."
- (to Lio) "If anyone gives ya heat, I'll put them out. Through spark and flame, I got your back."
For Galo's full gallery, go here.

Pizza time with Galo and co.
- Galo’s primary interest is hikeshi. He is shown giving a PowerPoint to Mad Burnish during their fight and incorporates Matois into all his mechs such as the Matoi Tech. He even owns a homemade Matoi which he showed to Burning Rescue and used to save Thyma.
- He is constantly shown in both promotional art and in the film to enjoy pizza, making it the character's favorite food. He specifically orders the Inferno Volcano Margherita Megamax dish alongside his co-workers.
- In a Twitch stream, staff was asked how many In-N-Out Double-Double burgers Galo could eat in one sitting. As both him and Varys were shown to eat multiple pies of pizza, they concluded he would have about "five to ten[3]."
- Even when wearing a shirt, Galo is shown wearing his medical sleeve in Promare. Promotional art has shown him wearing a shirt without the sleeve, typically as an error.
- According to staff, information such as Galo's blood type or birthday is not to be given out. This is due to them not wanting to 'categorize' either Galo or Lio[1].
- In the same panel this was revealed, they were stated to be "entry businessmen age," placing them in their early twenties[1]. This contradicts with information given on Aina's character page both on the official site and guide book, where she and Galo are described as being teenagers. As the former was more recent, this could be concluded as non-canon now[4][note 2].
- In the crossover with Super Mecha Champions, when comparing his in-game model to the other characters' canon heights, he appears to be around 5'7 ft discounting his hair.
- According to Galo himself, whenever he's upset, he goes to a local frozen lake where he vents out his frustrations.
- Galo tried digging to the bottom of the lake one time, reaching five meters, or sixteen and a half feet deep. This is why he knows the ice is safe -- and why Aina is rather shocked.
- Galo is stated to have passed all his aptitude exams before joining Burning Rescue in Galo-hen.
- The Memorial Art Book features a piece with Galo's face on a skateboard. In a tweet and later art book by Kengo, a fellow staff member, Galo is shown skateboarding, meaning he may have an interest in the subject[5].
- Another staff art by Daichi Omori depicts Galo and Lio playing basketball against Kray and Biar in an unofficial artwork.
- Galo's last name, Thymos, comes from the Greek word Thumos, which is the concept of "spiritedness" or the need for recognition.
- Staff claims Galo and Meis' names came from Megarus. According to Greek Mythology, Megarus was one of Zeus' sons that was in the same flood as Deucalion. In an effort to escape, he swam through a cry of birds to reach the mountain later named as Gerania[6][7].
- Galo’s first name “Galo” could mean “from Gaul”.
- Galo's first name is also the word for "Rooster" in Portuguese.

Intertextuality and References[]
- Galo's appearance, specifically his hair and lack of shirt, are fairly similar to the character of Kamina from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, another animated work by Studio Trigger staff such as Imaishi.
- Both characters also use the personal pronoun 'ore,' which is more informal and typically used by masculine characters.
- According to Promare's director, Hiroyuki Imaishi, it was that of a coincidence and was not intended[8].
- During a panel, Imaishi comments that his hair was said to also be made this way to act as a sign that he's an idiot protagonist and because Imaishi enjoys the look. An example of this would be Panty from Panty and Stocking[1]. In another interview, the specific type of idiot Galo would be considered is a "firefighting idiot" instead of an all-around idiot. This is due to his thought process being specifically for firefighting[9].
- He also commented that he prefers writing stories with idiot protagonists due to the fact that the story would end too soon if the protagonist was smart. This would result in the rest of the run time being wasted. Thus, stupid is the way to go.
- During a panel, Imaishi comments that his hair was said to also be made this way to act as a sign that he's an idiot protagonist and because Imaishi enjoys the look. An example of this would be Panty from Panty and Stocking[1]. In another interview, the specific type of idiot Galo would be considered is a "firefighting idiot" instead of an all-around idiot. This is due to his thought process being specifically for firefighting[9].
- Staff art depicts Galo's motorcycle to have Gurren Lagann stickers.
- The strap for his sleeve resembles the katakana character 'メ.' As stated in the character book guide, this is in reference to Me-gumi (team M), a famous group of hikeshi[10]. Said group's noted for an event in 1805 where several Me-gumi members fought against sumo wrestlers during a tournament. The fight broke out due to the hikeshi refusing to pay[11].
- In the same book, his Matoi Tech is compared to a samurai's armor in helmet.
- His Matoi, alongside a tribute to Edo period firemen, is likely a reference to the protagonist of Kill la Kill, Ryuko Matoi.
- In an early poster for the film, the strap for his sleeve is of a red coloring and bears a similar look to Kill la Kill's life fibers. As to whether this was a stylistic choice or not is debatable.

Rooster guitarist
- Galo has appeared in the Japanese mobile game Monster Strike alongside other Trigger characters. His artwork features his Matoi Tech, Lio de Galon, and Lio with him.
- In the first episode of Brand New Animal, "Runaway Raccoon," a beastman who resembles Galo can be seen. This counterpart is that of a rooster guitarist[12][note 3].
Story Concepts[]
- Early concept art shows Galo originally having a braid with his mohawk, his medical sleeve being black, having a mechanical arm that shot ice and/or wearing an eye patch. He is also shown bearing a gas mask sharing a similar appearance to Lucia's. However, unlike hers, Galo wore orange visors with it.
- In some colored concept art, Galo is given magenta eyes.
- According to the original script given alongside the Collector's Edition, Galo was to have a nightmare relating to his childhood trauma. He mentions this being a reoccurring dream right before he falls asleep again[10].
- It is also revealed that he likely lives in the fire station's lodging house in this version of the script.
- In the storyboard book's depiction, a young Galo's hands reach out as flames consume him, giving it a brief first person POV. When he awakens, a nearby firetruck figurine can be seen at his bedside indicative of his job and interests.
- Galo would also ask if Lio would like to join Burning Rescue in the original ending. As Lio was to be incarcerated, this was changed due to its somber tone.
- In an early script version of Heris talking to him in his cell, she was to snap at him, claiming he wasn’t on the Parnassus’ listing and that he didn’t know anything, not even about himself.
- It is also revealed that he likely lives in the fire station's lodging house in this version of the script.
- Instead of Lio being Burnish, Galo was planned to be a motorcycling Burnish[1].
- In a draft where Galo and Lio are children, Galo was planned to have a dragon companion named Dolabra. Storyboards in Battle of Geekboat depict Galo riding atop its giant version’s head with a motorcycle and also facing Kray in a similar fashion to the Kakusei scene.
- His Japanese voice actor, Kenichi Matsuyama, played L from the live action Death Note. He would later go on to voice Gelus.
- He is also known for his live action roles as Toru Watanabe in Norwegian Wood, Benzo of Futagashira, and the titular character in Satoshi: A Move for Tomorrow.
- His English voice actor, Billy Kametz, also voiced Josuke of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, U-1146 from Cells at Work, and Ferdinand von Aegir from Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
- When considering what his voice would be in the English dub, it was concluded him having a kabuki voice would be impossible to translate. Thus, Wakabayashi and others asked GKids for a voice that was a mixture of Channing Tatum and Zac Efron. This would eventually result in Kametz taking the role[13].
- According to a tweet by Stephanie Sheh, staff had difficulty finding a voice actor. Erica Lindbeck, Heris' VA, was the one to recommend him[14].
- When considering what his voice would be in the English dub, it was concluded him having a kabuki voice would be impossible to translate. Thus, Wakabayashi and others asked GKids for a voice that was a mixture of Channing Tatum and Zac Efron. This would eventually result in Kametz taking the role[13].

Galo's jail dinner.
- When Heris gives Galo his final meal, it appears to be that of a loaf of bread, a salad, and meat.
- The food was later sold during a Promare x TOWER RECORDS CAFE event[15].
- In storyboards, it is instead portrayed as meat on a bone.
- Occasionally in the Japanese dub, he will refer to himself as 'Galo-sama.' This is primarily done when he is firefighting at the pharmaceutical. The English dub translated it as 'the Great Galo Thymos.'
- Galo seems to be autistic, especially going off his heavy interest in hikeshiーto the point of struggling if something doesn't relate to it. Among other things, he is shown occassionally missing social cues, refusing to wear his coat after Galo-hen, and multiple instances of stimming (ex: digging his hands into his hair, pulling his mohawk, growling, bouncing his legs, and stomping on the ground when impatient or frustrated). The previously mentioned OVA also has Remi call him 'special' as an insult and his co-workers in general tend to outcast him[note 4].
- In response to Remi's comment, Galo is shown visibly tensing, but only tells his new co-workers to not blame the governor for it, as Kray was the reason he was hired.
- With the lyrics of "I will follow my grandfather's journey" in Inferno and his interest in Japanese firefighters, Galo may have had a relative who was a hikeshi, indicating Galo having a Japanese heritage.
- In the 3rd Anniversary stream, in regards to Galo's introduction to Japan, staff claimed that when he was a child, a Buddhist monk gave him a candy that had a Zen question on the wrapper. This resulted in him becoming interested in the subject[6].

Shot comparison of title card and another scene.
- Near the beginning of the movie, Galo's title card animation depicts Galo with nipples. The rest of the movie, on the other hand, does not. It is unknown as to why this is the case[note 5].
- In certain shots of Galo and Lio's fight in the city, he appears to not be wearing underwear as his crack is shown.
- For an official perfume based on Galo, the following scents were added: lime, clove, orange, cinnamon, lavender, rosemary, cedarwood, muguet, patchouly, vanilla, amber, and musk[16].
- An official shampoo and tea was also later made of Galo.
- During a live stream, when asked about an image in the Memorial Book featuring Galo standing over a smirking Lio, the artist of the piece, Gunyasu Shunpei, merely said it was up to fans to decide on.
See also[]
References |
Sources |
Notes |
External Links[]
Characters | ||
Burning Rescue | Galo • Aina • Ignis • Lucia • Varys • Remi • Vinny | |
Mad Burnish | Lio • Gueira • Meis • Sunglasses Burnish | |
Freeze Force | Vulcan | |
Foresight Foundation | Kray • Heris • Biar • Thyma | |
Unaffiliated | Deus • Pizzeria Employee • Pops • Elderly Burnish • Burnish Children • Promare |