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Krazor-X is a super-weapon mecha Kray Foresight uses against Galo and Lio in their fight. The original purpose was to create land. It's name was given by Galo.


"Krazor-X" is a mecha built into the Parnassus' bridge tower. Stories taller than most buildings, it is of a white palette with blue segments. The head is shrunk between its metal plates akin to a turtle. Both arms are equipped with grapplers. On the right arm is a yellow bar. It's back is adorned with a blue tank, likely containing freezing properties.

As its main purpose is terraforming, the feet are made for dirt surfaces. Flat construction wheels can be seen. Inside its chest are various mechanisms such as the Genocide Cultivation Beam and means of freezing surfaces.


As the Parnassus raises into the night sky, Kray is notified of a unidentifiable flying object heading towards the ship. He attempts to shoot it down, only for the mech to transform into Lio de Galon. Galo and Lio attempt to attack the ship and bridge's tower. As Kray becomes more agitated, he finally decides to activate his ultimate weapon. As the tower transforms, Lio de Galon is sent falling into the flying city.

The trio proceed to fight, causing havoc and destruction. As the minutes go on, Kray is left more and more frustrated by Galo and Lio and attacks with murderous intent. When Galo and Lio get the advantage, both bots are sent flying into the air by Heris' betrayal. Their fight is sent back up to the Parnassus' roof.

Here, Kray resorts to freezing Galo and Lio to death instead. With Deus X Machina's cannon arm though, both mechs are left frozen in place.


  • Grappling: During Lio de Galon and Krazor-X's fight, the latter is shown grabbing buildings and punching.
  • Ice Gun: At one point, Kray shoots frozen blocks of ice at Galo and Lio. The duo easily slice them with their Matoi though. He may also use it to create barriers for protection.
  • Pulverizing Pile Driver: The Pulverizing Pile Driver is the bar on Krazor-X's right arm frozen. It is used as a hand weapon instead of a projectile.
  • Genocide Cultivation Beam: When used by Kray, a beam of light shoots out from the mech. Anything hit by it is reverted into dirt via terraforming.
  • Absolute Zero Beam: In a last ditch effort to defeat Galo and Lio, Kray activates an icy beam that is powerful enough to destroy Burnish Armor plating.


For Krazor-X's full gallery, go here.


Intertextuality and References[]

  • Krazor-X's nickname is a reference to the mecha series Groizer X.



Burning Rescue Matoi TechRescue GearIce BreakerMega MaxSky Ms.
Mad Burnish Burnish ArmorBurnish Cycle
Foresight Foundation Krazor-XParnassusPromatech Engine
Unaffiliated Deus X MachinaLio de GalonGalo de Lion