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Lio gaze

Lio's awakening, otherwise known as the Kakusei scene or dragon scene by fans, is an infamous event in Promare where Lio seeks revenge against Kray and Freeze Force for his fellow Burnish.


After Freeze Force's raid, resulting in the capture of several Burnish, Lio is flung inside Fennel Volcano. As the Absolute Zero Bullet left him paralyzed, he was trapped within for an unknown amount of time. When the audience cuts back to him, he manages to finally free himself from his icy prison. Lio immediately takes out the bullet with his own hand and crushes it. A built-up rage then comes forth, consuming him as he summons a fiery dragon. Lio charges for Promepolis.

When he arrives, the Mad Burnish leader lights the city ablaze, demanding Kray release the imprisoned Burnish below the Earth. The destruction ends up freeing Galo, who witnesses Lio in the night sky. He recognizes him to be crying. As Galo heads out, Freeze Force is dispatched to deal with Lio. However, Lio easily obliterates their aircrafts and sends Vulcan flying into a nearby building.

Meanwhile, Burning Rescue find themselves admist the chaos putting out Lio's flames. They then soon encounter Galo, who is also on fire. After putting him out inside the Mega Max, he asks for their cooperation. Lucia then reveals she had fixed up his Matoi Tech during his disappearance. He is then launched up to where Kray is.

Lio soon finds Kray's tower. Even admist freezing projectiles, Lio easily reaches the top where Governor Foresight himself awaits. Tensions rise evermore as Lio prepares to set him on fire as Kray's hand glows a pure white. Suddenly, Galo appears, launching himself into the dragon's eye where Lio is. After some struggling, he manages to eradicate the dragon as both him and Lio land in Aina's carrier. They then fight with each other in hand-to-hand combat, and are dropped by Aina at the frozen lake, resulting in the discovery of Deus' lab.



  • In this scene alone, Lio is given a drastic appearance change, depicting him with charcoal and purple flames alongside two white horns.
    • The design in question was depicted in a crossover with Monster Strike, merely calling it "Mad Burnish Leader Lio."
    • Fans typically refer to the design as “Kakusei Lio” due to the Superfly song playing.
  • As Galo was trapped in his cell for about a week, more than likely Lio was encased inside Fennel Volcano for about the same time.
  • In the 3rd Anniversary's survey, Lio's Awakening was voted as first place for favorite scenes[1].

Story Concepts[]

  • As shown in storyboards, earlier drafts were to show Heris with the engine.
    • Galo returning to Burning Rescue was also different, featuring Galo calming walking towards them. They are all standing outside instead of in the Mega Max. The scene has a far more mature tone to it.
    • In another cut scene, Galo was instead to hold Lio as Aina carried them away. Lio would also not have his transformed form here. The wire would then snap as they fall into the frozen lake.



