Promare Wiki

Multiple Burnish signals detected behind the smoke. They're converging, making them even stronger!

—Lucia, Foresight Pharmaceutical

Lucia Fex (ルチア・フェックス) is a side character from Promare.

A mechanic at Burning Rescue, Lucia handles the development and maintenance of Burning Rescue's equipment and is in charge of the Mega Max. She also invented Galo's Matoi Tech.

Portrayal: Mayumi Shintani


A genius and inventor behind the majority of the Burning Rescue's equipment. Lucia appears to have no interests aside from her inventions and experiments. She's more than willing to use active missions for field research, causing her to be impulsive and easily excited. Lollipops and other food can be seen in her locker, implying her to have a sweet tooth. She is also always accompanied by Vinny.


Lucia is a pale-skinned, blue-eyed, short, and slender scientist and inventor. Her hair is blonde with a mix of pink highlights, which she wears tied in two buns. She wears a knee-high, white lab coat with a lacy, dress-like pattern on the hems and collar, and a large "3" imprinted on the lower left side. Her sleeves are usually rolled up to the elbow showing off a pair of seafoam-green medical gloves. She always wears the coat open.

Beneath the coat, Lucia wears a plain black bra and red plaid skirt, held up by a two-row studded black belt. She wears purple and black thigh-high striped stockings. Her shoes are black and white platform sneakers. Around her neck, she wears a plain black choker and a black and green respirator. On her head rests a pair of orange-lensed goggles.



In Galo-hen, Lucia and her fellow team members are introduced to their newest member: Galo Thymos. Like her other members, Lucia is left confused by Galo's interest in Edo period firefighters. She does ask Galo questions at least and even brings up an image of ancient Matois.

Suddenly, the station's emergency sirens go off, leaving the team to head out. Lucia is put in charge of Galo. This ends up resulting in Galo getting impatient, much to Lucia's dismay. She then notes the presence of one last survivor stuck inside. This inspires Galo to cover himself with extinguishing gel and head out.

According to Lucia, Galo's plan had the highest success rate of the rescuer surviving, making him out to be commendable to his peers. After Thyma turns into a Burnish and burns Galo, she shoots ice at her to prevent more hazards.


At the beginning of the movie, she and her teammates are sent out to deal with a recent fire at the Foresight Pharmaceutical. She assists by launching Varys, Remi, and Galo out to fight the flames. Suddenly, Mad Burnish appear. Lucia and Galo send out the big guns: Matoi Tech. With it, Gueira and Meis are taken care of. Lio is only defeated with the help of the entire crew.

After Mad Burnish's defeat, Burning Rescue heads out for pizza. The group celebrates. Here, Lucia briefly talks about Galo, the discrimination against the Burnish, and notices a billboard screen with Aina's sister, Heris. When Freeze Force arrives, Lucia alongside her other firefighters are made upset.

After Galo's capture, Lucia complains about not being able to do experiments with him as she works on gadgets. After Ignis reveals what happened, she is shocked alongside her co-workers. Lucia finds the whole thing suspicious.

Goo galo and lucia

Lucia helps Galo

Lucia and her teammates are then sent out to deal with Lio's rampage. They then meet back up with Galo, who is on fire. After Lucia and Varys put him out with cooling gel, she reveals that she repaired Galo's Matoi Tech. Lucia then helps launch Galo to go deal with Lio. Burning Rescue is later shown exhausted from putting out fires and watch Deus X Machina's attack on Kray.

After Galo nearly dies from falling off the Parnassus, she and Heris help send Galo underground to destroy the ship's core once more. Lucia is seen amongst the other Burning Rescue members after the world is saved.



Galo lucia ignis

Galo, Lucia, Ignis, and Vinny

Galo is one of Lucia's co-workers while Lucia is the creator of Galo's Matoi Tech. After his introduction to the team, he is forced into staying with Lucia. As Galo becomes more impatient, the young inventor is left agitated by him. She then notes there being a woman trapped inside one of the buildings, resulting in the rookie leaving. According to Lucia's calculations, his plan had the highest success rate of both Thyma and himself making it out safe, resulting in Burning Rescue putting their trust in him. Sometime before the events of Promare, the duo collaborated together to create both the Matoi Tech and Galo's PowerPoint presentation.

When Galo is imprisoned, Lucia comments on wanting to test out more gadgets on him, implying he is a frequent participant for her. The duo's antics have also become irritating to the likes of Remi. Lucia also finds his capture to be 'fishy,' but due to the Foresight Foundation's power, she and her co-workers are unable to free him. When the young man returns, Lucia reveals she had repaired the Matoi Tech for him. She would also later collaborate with Heris to form a drill for Galo to save Lio.


Lucia varys fistbump

Varys and Lucia fistbumping

Varys and Lucia are commonly shown together. From their interactions in Galo-hen and Promare, she is Varys' closest relationship with the same being for Lucia. Whether this be Varys carrying her around or the duo working on mechanics, they seem to have a close friendship. As co-workers, the duo will collaborate during rescue missions through Lucia's guidance and technology. They may also cooperate together for engineering at the headquarters. As Varys is about to leave for their current mission, Lucia briefly fist bumps with both him and Remi. When Galo returns after his imprisonment, both rescue members are forced to put him out with cooling gel inside the Mega Max vehicle.


Aina and Lucia's relationship is fairly professional for the most part. Both women are in charge of guiding their male peers around Burnish obstacles. They may occasionally hang out with each other outside of work. Lucia is the first person to notice Aina's sister, Heris, on a nearby building. This makes her familiar enough with Aina to be friends.


Lucia was the first person to notice Heris' presentation on a nearby building. This results in the topic focusing on her before Freeze Force's arrival. After Heris' betrayal, the two scientists collaborate to form a drill for Galo to save Lio. This would make them acquittances at best.


Lucia is the closest member to Vinny, as he is shown always at her desk and shoulder. As to whether he is her pet or not is unknown. Vinny can be seen either eating food around her desk or cheering the team on.



  • (to Ignis) "Too bad you don't have a faster suit, huh?"
  • (about Galo) "Big surprise, he's lost his cool."
  • (to Varys) "Inventions that make money are nothing but heresy."
  • (about Galo and Deus X Machina) "Where did he find it, where did it come from? I need answers! What the hell is going on, Galo?!"


For Lucia's full gallery, go here.


  • Lucia has an affinity for junk food and sweetsーspecifically lollipopsーas evidenced by the candy machine in her locker.
  • While working on plans for the Matoi Tech on her computer, a label saying Fex Industries can be seen, implying she owns her own business.
  • Her computers are themed around video games, implying she plays them in her freetime.
  • Despite fitting the trope of mad scientist, Lucia does not enjoy being referred to as such by Aina and others. She also finds inventions made only for profits to be "heresy."
  • The 4D poster depicts Lucia with dual-wielding ice guns. However, she is never shown with them in the shorts or movie, instead using the ladder or ice missiles to put out fires.
    • She briefly puts out Lio's flames on Galo with a gun, but never uses two at the same time.


  • Lucia’s last name “Fex” come from (-fex)  a suffix used in Latin to donating to a maker or producer.
  • Her first name is an alternative form of Lucy. Both come from the Latin word Lux, meaning light.

Intertextuality and References[]

  • Lucia's blonde hair, drill hair style, and orange goggles might have been inspired by Spring, a character from Studio Trigger's mascot trio, the Trigger Girls.
  • Kill la Kill reference

    Dr. Matoi and his mouse.

    Vinny almost always being present on her shoulder may be a reference to Dr. Isshin Matoi of Kill la Kill, as certain shots depict him with a mouse.
    • Both also have noticeable eye accessories with Lucia with her googles and Isshin with his eye patch.
    • Each of them provide the protagonist their main form of gear. Lucia invented the Matoi Tech for Galo to use while Isshin developed both the Scissor Blades and Senketsu.
  • In Galo-hen, a chat log can be seen on Lucia's arcade computer featuring icons based on Luluco and Midori from Space Patrol Luluco[1].

Story Concepts[]

  • Lucia’s original design was stated to be more mature.
    • Concept art depicts her as taller and with longer hair. Her hair also bears a resemblance to Nui Harime's, a character from another Trigger work.


  • Lucia's seiyuu, Mayumi Shintani, is noted for her roles as Nonon in Kill la Kill, Haruko from the original FLCL, and Midori in Space Patrol Luluco.
  • Her English voice actor, Kari Wahlgren, also voices Haruko for both the original and spinoffs for FLCL, Jeane in No More Heroes, and Saber for Fate/stay night.





Burning Rescue GaloAinaIgnisLuciaVarysRemiVinny
Mad Burnish LioGueiraMeisSunglasses Burnish
Freeze Force Vulcan
Foresight Foundation KrayHerisBiarThyma
Unaffiliated DeusPizzeria EmployeePopsElderly BurnishBurnish ChildrenPromare