The National Rescue and Fire Prevention Bureau is the Burning Rescue headquarters in Promare. The building serves to alert firefighters of Burnish fires and deal with fire-prevention matters. Squad members can be seen either relaxing or working on machinery.
The outside of the building is of brown brick. Glass windows adorn the sides with the middle area being completely see-through. The higher parts feature the letters "FDDP" in white. Red garage gates can be seen below. Surrounding the building is several business properties and streets, some depicted with orange construction cones nearby.
In the garage station, various mechanisms and machinery can be seen. These include the Mega Max, stored Rescue Gear, Sky Ms., and Ice Breaker. Grey and white brick compose the area. In the corner of the room is a small lounging area. Yellow bars border the area to prevent falling. Two couches—brown and black respectively—are sat next to a clipboard for calendars or events, a light tanned coffee table, a grey shelf, and a few office chairs. Lucia's arcade computer is the largest object, composed of various buttons and a blue outlining. Next to it is a set of black lockers and television. A small bedding area with a blue and red FDDP blanket is next to the yellow bars.
Before Promare[]
Sometime after the Great World Blaze, Burning Rescue and other firefighting organizations were brought out at a more frequent rate. From this, technology such as the group's mechs were made and buildings to accommodate for them were created. The building in Promepolis was likely funded by the likes of Kray, although Vulcan claims the gear from there was low quality compared to Freeze Force.

Galo and Remi
A few days after Galo was brought into the team, he introduces himself in the group's lounging area. Here, he explains his interest in Matoi, infodumping about their history. His co-workers do not take the same interest. Ignis ends up nearly breaking his homemade Matoi to the shock of Galo. As Remi comments on his disappoint of the governor, Galo is quick to defend him, claiming he himself wanted the position. From this, he attempts to fix his Matoi. Said attempt fails. His introduction lists him as an 'idiot' to his teammates.
Suddenly the station fire alarm goes off, resulting in all available rescuers heading out. However, Remi attempts to stop Galo. The young rookie resolves that this could act as work experience. Ignis agrees, enlisting Lucia to watch over him to her disappointment.
Sometime after the events of Galo-hen, a fire breaks out at a local pharmaceutical owned by the Foresight Foundation. As the station's siren blares, various members of Burning Rescue can be seen relaxing. These include Aina listening to music, Lucia finishing up plans for the Matoi Tech, Varys playing basketball, Remi drinking coffee, and Ignis at his work bench. They are rush to their lockers. As Burning Rescue gets ready to leave, Galo can briefly be seen sleeping inside the Mega Max.
A week after the fire at the Foresight Pharmaceutical, Aina arrives at the station's garage from searching for Galo. She somberly reveals that she was unable to find him. Her co-workers discuss this, with Varys commenting on the oddity of his disappearance and Lucia showing boredom. Suddenly, Ignis arrives. He reveals that Galo was arrested. This causes disbelief amongst the group. Aina resorts to driving to her sister's workspace, leaving her teammates in the dust. Later that day, all members are forced to put out the fires surrounding Prompepolis caused by Lio's attack.