Promare Wiki

The Promare Hyper Fire Storybook Book, as the name says, is a collection of various storyboards for the film Promare. It's name was announced during Promare's first anniversary. The book was then released on August 31st, 2020. There are over 1152 pages included within and costs about $85. Alongside storyboards, interviews with staff members can also be seen[1][2].


The cover is of various Burning Rescue and Mad Burnish members colored with a yellow and mint palette. At the middle is Galo and Lio butting heads. A smirk is on the former's face. Surrounding is various mechs which appear in the movie. Towards their legs in red text is "PROMARE Hyper Fire Storyboard Book."


Cut Scenes[]

This section is for categorizing and collecting scenes not present or were altered in the final film. Thus, a visual explanation must be given.

  • Dream sequence: While Galo is sleeping, a pair of small hands are suddenly seen in a first person perspective. Fire then suddenly launches outward to encompass all surroundings. The camera shows Galo himself awakening in a cold sweat, frightened from his childhood trauma. He comments this to be a reoccurring nightmare right before he falls asleep again.
  • Escape: Shots featuring Gueira and Meis shooting at guards during Lio and company's escape were to be shown. Furthermore, as Lio flew away from the institution, Vulcan would arrive on the scene. He pursues the leader, attempting to send him to the ground. An aerial fight occurs. As he does this, he questions if he had planned the escape, resulting in Lio thanking him for his accidental assistance as he takes flight.
  • Galo chasing after Lio: After the frozen lake scene, Galo was to be shown driving his motorcycle after Lio. Camera shots switch between him and Lio in the sky. This is right before Galo finds the cave.
  • Lio’s anger: After Lio removes the ice bullet, there was to be a scene where he steps out and sees the frozen aftermath of the Freeze Force attack. This acts as the last straw as he properly transforms outside of the volcano instead.
  • Galo reunites with Burning Rescue: During Lio's awakening scene, Galo comes across Burning Rescue as he does in the final film. However, instead of being portrayed as humorous, he walks calmly towards them as smoke arises. They are all standing outside instead of driving.
  • Galo with Lio: After his confrontation with Kray, Lio is instead held by Galo who is adorned in a traditional uniform. Lio is depicted not in his angered state here as Aina suspends them in the air. They are then dropped at the frozen lake.
  • Burning Rescue, Vulcan, and Heris: After Galo pierces the core with his drill, the camera cuts back to Burning Rescue, Vulcan, and Heris reacting to the noise. During this, Vulcan and Ignis are physically fighting each other. Varys and Remi continue to be in their mechas. Lucia and Vinny are with Heris as Aina stands alone.
  • Defibrillator: Before attempting CPR, Galo was to use a defibrillator in his mech to revive Lio only for Kray to destroy it.

Visual Differences[]

  • Galo's shirt: In storyboards, he may occasionally wear a no-sleeve singlet instead.
  • Knocked out Galo: Instead of cutting off at Galo being hit, Lio was to be shown alongside an unconscious Galo.
  • Burnish cave: During Lio's explanation, he briefly gives a child a hot dog to eat after heating it with the fire. In general, the Burnish are eating different food than just soup.
  • Last supper: In early storyboards, Heris instead gives Galo meat on a bone. A later scene shows Galo eating it before running off to find Lio.
  • Heris: In some storyboards, she is depicted with her pig-tailed design or with longer hair.
  • Thyma: In the storyboards for Lio-hen, Thyma is given short hair.
  • Burnish camp raid: Various visual difference are shown during Freeze Force's attack on Lio and company. These include him sitting on his vehicle, him being blasted in the face by Gueira and Meis to protect Lio, and the Burnish captives being taken away in a different manner.
  • Angry Lio: In certain depictions, Lio lacks his horns.
  • Galo's drill: Once more, different shots are used with closeups only.
  • Lio's shirt: Instead of being torn apart, his jacket sometimes remains the same, resulting in him wearing it in Deus X Machina and having his vest after Galo de Lion's transformation.
  • Galo de Lion: At the end, Galo de Lion is shown twirling it's Matoi in a distinct manner different than the final version.

Interview Tidbits[]

  • CPR Scene: The scene where the Burnish CPR between Galo and Lio occurs was storyboarded by Yoneyama Mai, who previously worked on Darling in the FRANXX.
  • Mako and Galo's Speech: The same person who did Mako's support speech scenes from Kill la Kill assisted with Galo reacting to "lighting a fire" in Lio.


Cover Art[]


To prevent copyright issues, please only upload images from official sources such as preview images on Aitai Kuji or official Twitter accounts due to the storyboard book not allowing otherwise.



  1. Trigger Twitter Announcement
  2. PROMARE TRIGGER Official HYPER FIRE Storyboard Book

