- Note: Policy pages will have a talk page instead of a comment section.
As the Promare Wiki is a English-based wiki discussing a Japanese animated film, information shared must mainly be English. The occasional exception is that of Japanese. American writing conventions should also be upheld for consistency. This naturally means grammar and punctuation must be proper. In the instances of trivia, other languages may be used to explain wordplay or name meanings through the occasional word. Full sentences in other languages are only allowed in the case of lyrics. The usage of parentheses and ellipses should mainly be used in the cases of quotes. Other usages must be kept to professional usage only.
Due to certain characters and objects having no official name, fan terminology that which is self-evident and defined may be used (ex: Pizzeria Employee). However, this is only in the case of no known alternative names (ex: Pops). Terminology that only exists as a joke or would be considered unprofessional may not be used. With that said, minus the rare holiday or trivia, please keep pages to a professional level with neutrality in mind.
Text Stylizing[]
Each article's title must be made bold at the beginning paragraph. Alternative names with a source or are common knowledge may be stated after also in bold. However, this is only in the case of characters whose names would be considered inconsistent, objects, or events. Other names must be kept to infoboxes or trivia. Text must be kept to a consistent size with the exceptions of templates such as infoboxes.
Official names from GKids' translation are preferred. In the case of no official translation, fans may make their own or source other's translations. For characters, their Japanese name and their original dub voice must be in the first paragraph. When referring to pieces of media, they must be italicized.
For Promare Wiki:Image Guidelines, go here.
For Promare Wiki:Referencing Guide, go here.
In regards to spoilers, anything during and after the film's climax must be spoiled in all sections except for plot and history summaries. The symbolism and Galo and Lio relationship page are also excluded due to them being analysis pages and thus requiring background knowledge by the user. Character pages, trivia, and terminology must be altered through the usage of span tags that are 'spoiler' class. Spoilers for non-Promare media must also be covered as well. Example: this is a spoiler example.
For Promare, the film's climax is defined as anything around an hour and twenty minutes in. Specifically after what is nicknamed the Kakusei scene by some fans and later lab scene. Images will not be affected by the spoiler rule as decided by the community.